Thursday, February 26, 2009

Losing his Identity

So he guesses he is losing my identity
gazing at a puddle of his rippled imagery
Can't comprehend right with slight awkward flow
if u vibin with the kid tell me, i need to know
cause he pressures me at times feel like imma break
until the bell ring and I blast out the schools gate
but that was elementary

was he aware of his identity?
that answer he may never know
but if he was it might have changed the current joe

Never been able to tell if you're into him
pursue you too hard u can tell by his pen
even though he's into her
he often can't step outside of the line like steve kerr
I thought he would change but this seems to be infinity
feeling confused he guess he is losing his identity
Who is this that he sees in the mirror
reflections distorted, no way to make it clearer
I remember in the past he could write something that would bring shorty to tears
pretty sure he still can, but his heart seems cold and its been so many years
don't let me start counting it
he's held it in too long, now he gotta fountain it (lol)
too nice, feeling higher than everest
always writing at night, I wonder if he ever rests
im just a third person point of view
of a this kid who often sit under you
he always seems to onto something
overthinking -ish until someone push stop button
so bear with him, like he said he losing his identity
don't know if you could tell recently
but anything he had to say he chose to vent to me
and who am I, his facebook wall
how ironic, he stays hidden but he writes this so you see it all


Got creative on this one, started in first person, switched it halfway, so i decided to switch the whole thing


In attempt to escape the danger, I put on my suit and become the unstoppable Power ranger shootin baddies with my laser. Now word is out, and its traveled about, and in attempt to stay secluded, I have done the opposite, and now I can't get out of it


Time for Bed. Charles Hamilton on Friday. F-ing Awesome!!!!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

LET ME BLACK...LOL (well wasn't that awkward)

Oh no, look what we started again
u put the key in the ignition and started the kid
driving down the road and we starting to skid
time after time, it seems I can fall for the wrong bid
like a bad seller on ebay
im in the middle of the freeway
wandering between traffic
wondering why must I always bring so much havoc
its tragic
i would like to think its magic
before u slammed it , u balling like the mid-atlantic
I like to be cool in my own world at most times
if u could follow the flow, i move earthquakes like fault lines
and thats fine
this whole verse is quite sublime
subliminal at that
written with a bunch of hidden facts
amazing myself how i go in sometimes
I guess u could that something is on my mind
is it you or is it me
but i do know that Im drowning within this sea
see, if you could save me and watch the fire re-kindle me
like G
talking about that gatorade
u looking like u just swallowed some hater-ade
haha, kinda weak and I know it
saw u on the floor, but i was too shy to show it
so finish me like mortal kombat scorpion
when Im so high
sent you the message but no reply
so let me black with no rewind
take a sec and read between the lines
which was only suppose to be 16
but now its 15
plus 20 and i guess this is one more
so do the addition
and you could see the signs like preminitions
RAWWWR. I writing like a dude who is on a mission
trying to stop my hands typing with no end in vision
look over my lines and provide a revision
im not hating, the choice is your decision

lol. why must I always go off with lyrics. Tie the knot there. *shakes head*
look its 2:43 a.m. *goes to sleep to hamilton music*

Holla at me, its all cool... just need to black like one's lung when smoking those cools (u know the cigarette company cools or wateva... I don't smoke, how would i know lol.)

Im such a fool -____________-

>_< good nite ^_^

peace v(-_-)v